(754) 800-1874
1846 N University DR Plantation FL 33322
[email protected]

About us

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Our company

Since 2012 Gail has been involved in luxurious real estate transactions. From the Caribbean to Miami no listing is out of limits.
To view our Caribbean properties please visit our sister company’s website at www.Carisla.com

Our Vision

We want to serve to the ambitious customer who seeks luxury and comfort from a reputable and trusted agent.

For homeowners insurance inquiries we recommend our preferred agency at www.FloridaHomeOwners.com


Special Offert

Today’s real estate market is moving!  Home values are at at all time high. Get a free home valuation through the end of the year when you fill out contact form and schedule the evaluation prior to December 31st, 2019.

More Info

Miami-Dade County

Miami-Dade County

How the adventure ended will be seen anon. Aouda was anxious, though she said nothing. As for Passepartout, he thought Mr. Fogg’s manoeuvre simply glorious.

Broward County

Broward County

How the adventure ended will be seen anon. Aouda was anxious, though she said nothing. As for Passepartout, he thought Mr. Fogg’s manoeuvre simply glorious.

Palm Beach County

Palm Beach County

How the adventure ended will be seen anon. Aouda was anxious, though she said nothing. As for Passepartout, he thought Mr. Fogg’s manoeuvre simply glorious.


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